# Dataphone iPhone App Ringtone
This article will show you how to change the ringtone on iPhone devices.
> **Before start, make sure you have the lastest version of the app installed on your device**
1. Access the iPhone Dataphone App
2. Tap on the three dashes on the left upper corner
3. Select Media and Files
![iphone_ring_1.png](/iphone_ring_1.png =400x)
4. Select Ringtones
. ![iphone_ring_2.png](/iphone_ring_2.png =400x)
5. Select desired Ringtone, when selecting it you will see a play button to listen to it.
![iphone_ring_3.png](/iphone_ring_3.png =400x)
6. Exit out of it and the ringtone will be saved automatically.
7. Test