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Moshe Rosenberg


Moshe leads the team
Dataphone’s fearless leader, Moshe oversees all operations with a hands-on approach. He is passionate about coming up with new solutions in the field of VoIP and implmeenting new technology that keeps Dataphone a step ahead. The precursor to Dataphone, Data Day, gave Moshe a strong background in ERP Implementation.

Moshe always stays focused on the big picture and actively searches for new and improved solutions. The most important thing to him is simplifying his customers' workflow. When Moshe isn’t at work, he’s enjoying time with his family, or learning about new updates in the world of technology.

Ahron Greenberg


Ahron sees the big picture
As CTO of Dataphone, Ahron oversees the software design and implements new technologies for the company. He guides us on broadening the company’s scope, making new services accessible to Dataphone customers. He is the expert at defining our process of architecting failovers, and our customers rely on his ingenious solutions. He guides the software team in VoIP and development with patience, leadership, and skill.

On top of his skills at coding, problem-solving, and debugging, he’s an exceptional communicator. With years of experience, including 3 at Dataphone, Ahron brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the team.

Ahron spends his spare time with his family, learns about new technologies, and actively contribute to open-source projects, fostering innovation beyond the workplace.

Maqsood Ahmed

Full Stack Developer

Maqsood crafts the code
As a Full-stack developer at Dataphone, Maqsood tackles both backend and frontend development.. Maqsood’s excellent performance at Dataphone is driven by his love of learning new things.

Having worked over four years as a full stack developer in other companies before joining the Dataphone team, Maqsood appreciates the collaboration and teamwork that his job involves.

Beyond coding, Maqsood unwinds by watching movies and spending quality time with family. Weekends might find him taking small trips and trekking adventures.

Erick Orellana

Customer Onboarding Specialist

Erick sets you up for success
Erick handles onboarding for new clients at Datphone, walking them through the entire process and ensuring seamless transitions. With his meticulous management, problem-solving prowess, and attention to detail, he’ll aim to get you up and running with little to no downtime. Erick has worked in customer and tech support with many companies, including Dell, Sony, and Google, netting him over 15 years of experience. Clients appreciate Erick's personalized attention and commitment to their satisfaction.

When not helping customers, Erick enjoys family time with his two teenagers, playing basketball, and beating his record in video games. People are often surprised to learn that under his calm nature lies a passionate Heavy Metal fan!

Omar O.

VoIP Support Specialist

Omar solves your headaches!
Omar is our tech support expert at Dataphone, helping customers with migration, deployment, and installation for the past three years. Formerly at Google Tech Support and other phone service companies, Omar brings eight years of technical experience in networks, servers, and phone service to his job.

Known for his fast but meticulous approach and customer-oriented style, clients value Omar for his familiarity with their setups and his commitment to earning their satisfaction with prompt, effective solutions. Omar always makes sure to test every setup he creates, ensuring they are error-free. He’s also a true team player who gladly lends a hand to his colleagues, and treats their clients like his own.

Outside work, Omar enjoys family time, hitting the gym, and watching classics.

Manny Portillo

Tech Support Specialist

Manny gets you sorted!
Manny provides tech support for customers and has a rapport with many of them. When clients call, they appreciate reaching a knowledgeable professional who understands their needs and resolves their issues promptly. With prior experience at Google Tech Support, Manny brings efficiency and a no-nonsense approach to problem-solving.

Most satisfying to Manny is collaborating with his colleagues and working as a team. He loves to give his clients the royal treatment, creating loyal repeat customers.

When not busy solving issues and helping customers, you’ll find Manny taking care of his daughter and sharing his love of tech with her. He also enjoys music and movies and hanging out at the park.